Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hard Low

I have been self learning a lot about running with diabetes the past few weeks. The last couple of runs really brought some issues to light.
Example: Today I tested around 2pm and was 275 gave myself a correction of 2.5 units and went on. A few hours later I tested at 75. Great, but was getting ready to run. So I ate a triple threat power bar and lowered my basal to 60% waited a half hour. Tested at 74. Sucked a Gu and took off. Mile 3 sucked another Gu and lowered basal to 40%. Ran back kept good pace but did feel quite right and mouth was super dry. Ran total of 6 miles and tested at 57. What is up with that.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why is it so hot?

It has been so hot this summer. I have got used to running in the extreme heat. I imagine that I am running at Badwater when I go out and have decided the people that do it are bigger people than me. I always try to bring some water and stop a few times so I do not really over heat.
Things on the running with Diabetes front have been a little weird lately. I have been testing at normal before going out and after the third mile I have dropped low and my times and mind slow way down. This was not going on a month ago but all of a sudden. I know mile miles have increased. So now I am going to drop my basal rate down to 70% and eat a little more before I go out. I'll see if this works a bit better.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Long Time

It's been a really long time since I last posted. A lot has happened, and it is all good. For a while I changed the blog to more about running than diabetes. I kind of felt that I didn't want to talk about the disease. On my time off of the blog I come to terms that running and diabetes go together so well that I got to talk about it. So here goes.
The last several months I have tried to step up my mileage. Not thinking much of it until I went to the doctor last week. My cholesterol dropped over 30 points without a staton. I never was heavy but my weight lowered a bit, my blood pressure and paulse, great and my A1c was diabetic normal. All from running. It's not a cure but why not live better.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Yesterday & Today

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I bought new shoes and had a good paced 4 mile run. It was a nice day temp wise and a good trail. As I started out about a mile into it I came across a fellow runner walking and messing with his IPod. It was the first time it occurred to me I forgot my tunes. I just kept going. The funny thing is I was thinking the other day how I loved listening to music when I ran. I was not sure how it would effect my running with out it. Well I made it through the run great. I did buy some new shoes 30 minutes before and was dieing to try them. I do not know if it was the shoe, but I had the best pace since I started back up and did a full 4 miles.

Today was a whole different story. I really wanted to run. When I started and took a few strides I felt totally heavy. My brain told me to turn around and go home. My heart said keep going. I felt ochie and started out slow. I did get in to it a little but by mile 2 I decided just one more is all I could take. I did have my tunes. But even that did not help. I made home and took a small detour to get to 3 miles and as soon as I turned toward home a giant crack of thunder, as soon as I walk into my garage the sky opened up and cats and dogs came out.
Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better I have a new trail I want to run. The excitement alone is half the fun.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Long Drive Short Run

I was up before the sun. Not something I do often. 4:30am not to run but to drive to move some equipment from a dealer that did not pay his taxes and the business was taken by the IRS. Made it to Topeka by 9:00am. After taking care of business there off to Wichita. The long sunny drive through the Flint Hills made me very sleepy. Had to stop at the road side station and get a Monster. That got me going for a few hours at least. To the hotel by 5:00.

Should I run I am very tired. A nap would be nice. A few things motivated me. One I want to keep going. Two I thought it really would make me sleep when it was time for bed. Three, that dang Dailymile. With people watching I am highly motived to post miles. People have not been watching but if someone stumbles upon my page I want to have miles.

I ran a nice trail by my hotel. The south wind was blowing as it always does in Kansas across the plains at a good click. At about mile 2 out of the corner of my eye I see a giant jet coming low. I was really freak out for a moment. It look like I could almost reach out and touch it. I had no idea where to go to avoid it. I could feel the wind from the engines. It was like North X Northwest. I was close to the airport. It was not as dramatic as I made it out, but it was freaky.

I ran hard the first 2 miles then took it really easy on the way back. Now I sit writing this think about falling asleep. Long drive tomorrow, Goodland, KS. Mission accomplished.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week One and Big Goals

This was a my first week back from a few month break. And I must of really missed it. I have done almost twenty miles this week. I think the big reason why I took a break is I hit my goal of running a .5 marathon and got unmotivated.
When I first started back up I thought I lost every bit of what I had, but as the week went on I found that I was only a little rusty. Now my new goal is to run the Bass Pro Dogwood Canyon Trail 25K which I had in 2008.
So here's to it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dogs and Faster Miles

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Bennett 6

The one thing I fear the most when running is dogs. I always think about carrying a can of pepper spray like a postman, but never think of it when I am shopping. I guess I should make a list. I have never had a problem with dogs, Oh until today. It was the most unlikely circumstance. I always worry about a dog coming out of a yard to chase. This dog was on a leash. I saw the bitch coming from a good distance. It was on a leash with the owner in tow. I was on the side walk. The street was a bit busy. As I came with in 10 yards or so I got over on the lawn between the street and the side walk. Leaving plenty of room for them to pass on the sidewalk. As I passed the dog barked and lunged. I jumped to the side. The dog was on a retractable leash. The owner did not quite have a handle on it. She pulled him back and the dog lunged again showing its teeth and close enough I could feel its warm breath through my tights. I jumped, back turned into the busy street. Luckily there was a break in the traffic. I didn't even think I just went out there. I do not know if getting hit by a car would be better then bit by a dog. As the owner got her dog under control she said she was so sorry. I did not say a word. But gave a mean look. I can see on my map where I jumped into the street.
Other than that it was the best run I remember having. Averaged 9 minute miles. With my 6th around 8:30. It was cold and a light snow was falling. My final motivation is that I though my wife had a meeting and I needed to be home to watch my daughter. I went a little longer than I thought so I need to get home quick. She didn't have a meeting and was not even home when I got there, but what motivation. I felt it deep and it drove me home.