Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Plans changed, but I still got to run...

Last night right before dinner I thought I would go for a run. Tested my blood. It was 81. So I decided to wait until after dinner. Right after dinner my wife got a phone call from an old friend that wanted us to come over. I remembered there were some great places to run where she lived, So I devised a plan to drop my wife and daughter off and run and then come back to socialize. The plan was agreed to.

I was so glad to get on the road. I started out on a Greenway trail (paved) that went along a creek then onto a road that was very hilly. I looped around to where I began. The weather was around 80F, but it was steamy, my glasses kept fogging up. It was right at dusk so the lighting was great and it seems that it had rained not too long before.

For the first mile or two I felt really good. At mile two I sucked down an AccelGel (lime). Soon after I could tell my sugar was dipping. I hate that. I was having a great run and I started feeling a little light in the knees. I slowed my pace a bit and tried to enjoy the great night. My pump was turned down to 60% basal. Then at mile 3.5 the gel kicked in I was back. I ran just a bit harder to make up time and when I saw my car I did not want to stop, but it was getting dark and I am sure my wife was wondering where I was. I did five miles. Here's my map.

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