Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I am out in mid-Kansas today. I battled some high blood sugar in the morning and mid afternoon. I had pizza last night and that always creeps it up. After a lot of correction I got it down. It is always hard to do that driving all day. I really wanted to pull over and find a place to run, but I also wanted to make it to Salina at a decent time.

People think of Kansas as flat and boring. That is mostly a wrong assumption. For one thing, Georgia is the flattest state. Kansas is very hilly on the eastern side and flattens out in the west kind of.

Today I ran some flat. It was so flat I could actually see down the road 2.5 miles to my turn around spot. The road was loose sand and gravel. I drove it a little to kind of see where I wanted to run and had to be careful not to get out of the hard tire track or I would slide off or get stuck. It was great for running. Except of course when a car would come and I would be covered in dust. Not too many cars though. Fields lined the road mostly planted in really lush soy beans. Did you know 1 Kansas farmer feeds 128 people a year. That's what the sign says. The weather was perfect, 79F with a good breeze.

My sugar held true. I ate a IHOP about a hour before. Right across from the hotel. I did not give myself my full bolus and did not turn my basal down. I may have ran a little too soon after I ate because I got a side stitch in mile one. With some rhythmic breathing got rid of it. I did a little over 5 miles. My straight out and back.

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