Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Bennett 6
The one thing I fear the most when running is dogs. I always think about carrying a can of pepper spray like a postman, but never think of it when I am shopping. I guess I should make a list. I have never had a problem with dogs, Oh until today. It was the most unlikely circumstance. I always worry about a dog coming out of a yard to chase. This dog was on a leash. I saw the bitch coming from a good distance. It was on a leash with the owner in tow. I was on the side walk. The street was a bit busy. As I came with in 10 yards or so I got over on the lawn between the street and the side walk. Leaving plenty of room for them to pass on the sidewalk. As I passed the dog barked and lunged. I jumped to the side. The dog was on a retractable leash. The owner did not quite have a handle on it. She pulled him back and the dog lunged again showing its teeth and close enough I could feel its warm breath through my tights. I jumped, back turned into the busy street. Luckily there was a break in the traffic. I didn't even think I just went out there. I do not know if getting hit by a car would be better then bit by a dog. As the owner got her dog under control she said she was so sorry. I did not say a word. But gave a mean look. I can see on my map where I jumped into the street.
Other than that it was the best run I remember having. Averaged 9 minute miles. With my 6th around 8:30. It was cold and a light snow was falling. My final motivation is that I though my wife had a meeting and I needed to be home to watch my daughter. I went a little longer than I thought so I need to get home quick. She didn't have a meeting and was not even home when I got there, but what motivation. I felt it deep and it drove me home.
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